Jaded Life Hub Launch @ Sanderson Hotel

The Jaded Life Hub was launched officially at the boutique Sanderson Hotel's vibrant Billiard Room on Monday 27th November: a fashion collective of pioneering ambitious designers. The opportunity to purchase designer pieces on a 'see now, buy now' basis during a five-day pop-up shop run (27th Nov-1st Dec) coincided with the cluster unveiling. The collective is a social enterprise initiative benefitting recent fashion graduate alumni and start-up labels. The stained-glass mozaic wraparound staircase forms a dramatic backdrop catwalk down which models will descend while sentry-guard mannequins frame the draped welcome entrance. Fizz and canapes from 7pm; showcase at 8pm untill late.

Fashion film video (1:29)



Daylan Buiseid Mollentzeinstagram.com/daylan_buiseid_mollentze

Mary Martininstagram.com/marymartinlondon

Jaydine Rolleinstagram.com/rollebyrolle & instagram.com/thelastjaydi._

Geoffrey Sasinstagram.com/geoffreysas

Grace Kellyinstagram.com/gracekellyfashion

Esin Akaninstagram.com/esinakanlondon: handbags







morganshotelgroup.com/originals/originals-sanderson-london @SandersonLDN